October 11, 2008

Pumpkin Patch 2008

Today we went to the Maris Farms Pumpkin Patch with the Savage Family. We had a really good time. Blake did pretty good until the end when he was getting tired and cold. There was a corn maze and an apple launcher. The little guys liked each other, I can't wait until next year when Blake can pick out his own pumpkin. This year he was content just trying to eat the grass and dirt. Also, Blake turned 8 months old today, man he is getting so big!
All ready for the pumpkin patch Not sure what to think

Daddy rockin the Bjorn
The goat bridge
Our little family
Daddy and Blake getting goat food

Keila feeding the goats Checkin out the piggies
Daddy's and their boys
Blake wanted to eat the corn maze map
Buddies Mommy and Blake
Justin shooting the Apple launcherEric shooting the Apple Launcher
Keys are much funner than pumpkins
Daddy and Blake My boys
He was not loving all the picture taking

Playin' in the dirt
Blake and London Blake and London checking out the pumpkins
Mommy and Blake
Pumpkin Boy

All of us
(Eric, Kami, Blake, London, Keila, & Justin)
The Savage Family
The Gunderson Family
Blake and London
Blake in the Wagon

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